Friday, October 17, 2014

Review: October Loot Crate

This loot crate was a really sneaky one, I totally missed that it would come so soon after the last one. Anyway, this is my third loot crate, and maybe the best one so far. Okay, the Groot from the August Crate his hard to beat given the timing of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Anyway, this months theme was FEAR (Not F.E.A.R.), which made my "not so zombie-loving" girlfriend hope that next month will be fluffy and cuddly, but I like this one. The items inside was thematic but still so generic that even though I haven't actually played Dead Rising that much, I still enjoyed the loot from that franchise. Let's take a look on all the items inside this months crate.

Horribly cute
My new bible
Let's start with what I think are clear winners in the crate. First the shirt, this is so right up my alley, cute cats making a skull. The cute weirdness of this shirt makes it so fantastic it's a clear winner of the crate.

Then we have the book, a book! How to survive a sharknado is includes guides of what to do when in disasters such as sharknados or whalestorms, read it before the disaster strikes where you live! Also, clear winner, how can it not be? This is even useful!

Then we have a nice looking pen from Dead Rising 3, which I'm totally going to play whenever my girlfriend is out of town for a weekend. As I mentioned before, a sledge hammer and a chainsaw is generic enough to fit even non-hardcore fans. This is a really smart move from loot crate after their super specified Galactic crate last month. I don't know if the pen is ergonomic to write with, then again, I seldom use pens.

Next, we have the Walking Dead magazine, which reminds me that I have to continue watching the series, or I can just read their facebook page which spoils everything the morning after they release an episode... Anyway, haven't read this one yet, but heard it's good, well see!

Some of the last loots worth mentioning are the tattoo stickers, which might come handy for Halloween, and the TWD postcard, cardboard printed picture. These things are nice, but not fantastic, and I don't expect them to be, they are fillers for loot crate to make my moneys worth.
We also have the monthly pin, looks about as nice as ever, pretty fun, and reminds me that I have to put these somewhere for bragging rights or nerd points. There was also a pair of paper 3d goggles for viewing their folder, which is commercial for something I'm clearly already buying.

Oh! Almost forgot, a candy, or I think it is. I'm to cautious to eat something randomly lying in a crate from the other side of our globe.
Last, but as usually, not least, we have a gaming code. This month it's for Smite, which I don't play now, but will when they release it to Xbox One. I just hope the code will work on both platforms. The code grants access to a skin, supposedly making me look as a pumpkin headed Jack the reaper.

There we have it. This months loot crate, if you want some discount on setting up your own subscription, use this link here, which also helps me of course.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there. I know I'm reading this kind of late, but I really wanted to know if you still have that Smite code, I've been looking for one! (The code is PC only, though the Smite was already released on Xbox).

    Would most appreciate it,
    Pedro Costa

    PS: Contact me at: if you have an answer :D
